The Full Monty is hilarious!
Each character is played excellently, each with his own troubles that need to be resolved, proving that (contrary to popular belief) this is a show about much more than nudity.
Accompanied by an excellent band and supporting cast, six friends psyche themselves up for stripping for ONE NIGHT ONLY (don't worry, the Drill Hall is showing it for five) in front of one thousand women (including their wives and a mother, unfortunately) to raise enough money to solve each of their problems.
Several catchy numbers ("Let it go, let it go!") keep the play moving nicely and showcased some of the great voices the actors and actresses posses.
I can't skirt around the fact that 90% of the audience was female but that's no reason not to invite your man along! Alternatively you could treat them to Calendar Girls in October!
With a feel-good ending as well as THE stripping scene ( the group named themselves Hot Metal did'ya know) this is a perfect night out for mum's, daughters, neighbours, friends, anybody!
You've got four more shows (two are nearly sold out) to catch it, but whatever you do, DON'T MISS IT! See here for times and tickets.
-Hilary Shepherd, Marketing Officer